It shouldn't be this hard...but to anyone reading this, remember you are not alone.

Living with food allergies is so much more than simply avoiding the allergen trigger. The associated mental health impacts and social stigma can often go ‘under the radar’. It’s also not something that’s widely acknowledged, or in my case was even mentioned, when I was diagnosed.

When I had my first anaphylactic reaction to hazelnut at age 15, I was simply given two auto-injectors and sent on my way. I quickly learned that not only did I have to navigate the lifestyle effects but I also had to manage social situations which, in turn, affected my mental health. I’ve had my fair share of feeling excluded over the years; from being laughed at to being disbelieved and even asked to sit in an airplane toilet for two hours because the airline refused not to serve nuts. This led me to experience feelings of isolation, frustration and anxiety.

A changing point for me was starting my ‘Allergy Bubble’ page on Instagram. I began to share my thoughts, feelings and tips as a bit of an outlet and to try and make a difference, in whatever small way possible. I had no idea that there were other allergy accounts and I quickly found myself in great company amongst a community of like-minded people. It blew my mind how many shared experiences and adaptations to daily life we all had in common. And then slowly something amazing happened. Through sharing, creating and connecting, my whole mindset changed around how I navigated my allergies and I developed a newfound confidence. I’ve never felt more empowered around speaking up for myself and for what’s right on behalf of others.

It shouldn't be this hard.

To anyone reading this who is struggling, just know that you’re not alone and how you feel is totally valid. Never let anyone tell you otherwise. It shouldn't have to be this hard, but the more we connect, share and embrace our vulnerability, the more we can affect change and make a real difference to everyday lives.

I am so grateful to the Natasha Foundation and I support the foundation wholeheartedly. Nadim and Tanya are true inspirations. They are not only the voice for people with allergies in the UK, but they are changing lives daily through science, policy and research.

Jess @‌allergybubble

Follow @NatashasFoundation

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