Tell, then KISS!

Allergic reactions from kissing can be serious.

According to pediatric allergist Dr Scott Sicherer, studies show that between 5 and 12% of food-allergic individuals will experience a reaction from kissing.

As if dating wasn't hard enough, imagine having an allergic reaction on your first date!

Forget 'kiss and tell' - with food allergies it's quite the opposite because unfortunately an allergic reaction can be triggered through kissing and physical contact. #awkward

The answer is, 'tell and *then* kiss'. 😘

To avoid having an allergic reaction from kissing, it's important to be open about your food allergies, right from the start. Having a conversation like this may feel awkward, but it's so worth it. If someone likes you enough to kiss you, they should be caring enough not to want to put you at risk.

Tips on Dating and Food Allergies:

  • Explain your food allergy and include important details.

  • Choose a restaurant or cook a meal together if your date involves food.

  • Discuss, explain and demonstrate what to do in an emergency.

  • Create a space for your date to ask questions and to be curious.

  • Make sure what he or she is eating is safe, too.

  • If your date eats the food you're allergic to or isn’t sure about, ask them to brush their teeth, rinse, and repeat. Brushing teeth and rinsing thoroughly can help remove food allergens. It's then best to wait 4 hours before your anticipated kiss.

Have fun, be safe, communicate and be honest - happy smooching!